Comedian, Belynda J. Cleare, on performing for a MBE client!

Last night I had the pleasure of performing at a retirement community, I was having so much fun, didn’t want the show to end.
I was so grateful for the opportunity to share my gift of laughter with one of the most appreciative audiences I’ve ever experienced. They truly made me feel like a super star.
After my set was over, they asked if I could do a little more time, I had nothing really prepared, so I decided to do a scene from my one woman show. I wasn’t expecting the such a amazing response.
The highlight of my evening was when this petite little lady named Clara, maneuvered her walker over to me after the show, she said she enjoyed hearing my stories about growing up in my small Canadian fishing village.
She thanked me for my courage and strength and said ‘I’ was remarkable!
This lady was a 99 year old holocaust survivor… and she was calling me remarkable?
This absolutely blew me away!
I may never become rich or famous from doing comedy, but how those amazing people embraced and enjoyed me last night is a extraordinary feeling worth more any amount of money or fame!
– Belynda J. Cleare
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