France, 1889. I looked down at the humming machinery below my feet and marveled at the speed and complexity of all the gears throbbing and humming along as they seamlessly mesh to create the product. Part of me was impressed at the ingenuity of mankind to come up with...
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Vocalist & Guitarist Ashley Gray On Performing with MBE
I love playing senior living homes for Mo Better Entertainment The residents are always so sweet and appreciative, it's a precious part of my performance career that I never really talk about. They almost always ask for a song that I wrote! I've been working with...
“Free At Last”, a new lecture offering by Martin Bradfield
MoBetter Entertainment is excited to announce a new lecture presentation of both a timely as well as
timeless nature. Popular art history lecturer, Martin Bradfield, has put together a fascinating presentation which covers
philosophical as well as artistic interpretations of the “Nature of Freedom”.
Interactive Drum Circle Offers Therapeutic Benefits To Seniors
MoBetter Entertainment presents………. CROTCHET-QUAVER AND THE RESTS---- DRUM CIRCLE MoBetter Entertainment is sending its Rhythm Ambassador, Martin Bradfield, to your facility, with a sack of percussion instruments and a simple request…….He is looking for people with a...
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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465